1.5. Graduate Profile

Graduate Profile

Graduate Profile by the General Surveying and Mapping Technology Study Program (TSPD) of UGM are Mapping Survey Supervisors who have the following competencies:

    1. Leading activities in the field of surveying and mapping in all dimensions (sea, land) and air)
    2. Supervise survey and mapping activities in all dimensions (sea, land, and air)
    3. Identify, formulate solutions, and provide corrections to problems in survey work and mapping.

The graduate profile mentioned above is in line with the Decree of the Minister of Manpower of the Republic of Indonesia No. 95 of 2017, which states that graduates of the Applied Survey and Mapping Technology Undergraduate Study Program must have a strong technical mastery in the field of mapping surveys to become the main technician (KKNI level 6) competent in the field of Terrestrial Surveys, Global Navigation Satellite System Surveys, Surveys Hydrography, Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing, Geospatial Information Systems, and Cartography.

Graduate Learning Outcomes

Code of Graduate Learning OutcomesGraduate Learning Outcomes Statement
CPL 1.1 Demonstrate a Pancasilaist attitude and awareness of the interests of the nation and state.
CPL 1.2 Demonstrate honesty, responsibility, self-confidence, emotional maturity, ethics, and awareness of being a lifelong learner
CPL 2.1Mastery of the general theoretical concepts of natural sciences
CPL 2.2Mastery of the principles of applying mathematics in the field of surveying and mapping in-depth
CPL 2.3Mastery of the theoretical concepts and principles of terrestrial surveying and mapping, boundary delineation, and cadastral matters in-depth
CPL 2.4Mastery of the theoretical concepts and principles in the field of photogrammetry, remote sensing, and GIS (Geographic Information System) comprehensively
CPL 2.5Mastery of the theoretical concepts and principles in the field of hydrographic surveying and mapping in-depth
CPL 2.6Mastery of the latest knowledge on technological developments in the field of surveying and mapping
CPL.3General Abilities
CPL 3.1Able to apply logical, critical, systematic, and innovative thinking using information technology to produce integrity-based solutions in the respective field of expertise, manifested in scientific documents
CPL 3.2Able to develop networks, adapt, create, contribute, supervise, evaluate, and make decisions in order to demonstrate individual and group performance in applying knowledge to community life
CPL.4Specialized Skills
CPL 4.1Able to apply mathematics and science in the implementation or development of mapping technology based on various state-of-the-art survey methods for creating large-scale maps with high precision
CPL 4.2Able to design and acquire spatial data using modern measurement technology to produce data in accordance with the procedures and standards applicable in the field of surveying and mapping
CPL 4.3Able to process spatial data using industry-standard software to generate information that can support presentation and analysis in various applied fields
CPL 4.4Able to present and analyze spatial data in accordance with the applicable principles in the field of surveying and mapping to support decision-making processes
CPL 4.5Able to conduct spatial data quality evaluation using standards applicable in the field of surveying and mapping to support decision-making processes