2.3. Semester Examination

II.3.1. Attendance Requirement

Students are required to attend every educational activity they are enrolled in, including lectures and practicals. For each activity, students must sign an attendance sheet as proof of their participation. At the end of the semester, there will be an examination of the attendance records for each course as a prerequisite for a student to be allowed to take the final exam for that course. The minimum attendance required is 75% of the total scheduled lectures and provided practical sessions.

II.3.2. Exam Participants Regulations

Here are the rules for taking the Mid-Semester Exam (UTS) and Final Semester Exam (UAS) for TSPD students:

  1. Dress neatly, politely, and avoid wearing t-shirts, jackets, or sandals.
  2. Be present in the examination room 10 minutes before the exam begins.
  3. Bring the Exam Card and Identification Card.
  4. Place bags or books in the designated area as instructed by the exam supervisors.
  5. Sit at the assigned seat according to the exam card number.
  6. Sign the attendance list prepared by the exam committee.
  7. Allow the Exam Supervisor to check the Exam Card and Identification Card.
  8. If late, students are allowed to take the exam in the examination room provided no other participants have left the room due to completing the exam.
  9. Students are not allowed to leave the examination room during the first 30 minutes. After that, if they need to leave, they must obtain permission from the exam supervisor and their exam will be considered completed.
  10. During the exam, participants must maintain peace and quiet, uphold honesty and academic ethics, and are not allowed to use mobile phones (including using them as calculators) or other communication devices. Mobile phones must be turned off.
  11. Students must be willing to accept sanctions if found guilty of cheating, and the incident will be recorded in the minutes, and their exam results will be considered invalid.
  12. Students are not allowed to use the restroom during the exam. They may use the restroom before the exam starts.
  13. Any matters not covered in these rules will be determined later.

Students are allowed to request a makeup exam if they meet the following conditions:

  1. Severe illness requiring bed rest or hospitalization: Supported by an authentic and officially stamped doctor’s certificate.
  2. Death of immediate family members (father, mother, grandparents, siblings, children): Supported by a death certificate from an authorized official (family certificate/neighborhood or community certificate or death certificate).
  3. Faculty and/or university tasks (such as participating in competitions or conferences that represent the study program, department, faculty, or university): Supported by a certificate from the Vice Dean for Academic and Student Affairs of the Vocational School at UGM.
  4. Religious events that could not be scheduled in advance, such as performing the Hajj. Students must provide proof of travel with a letter of travel.

The procedure for submitting a makeup exam request is as follows:

  1. Students submit a written request for a makeup exam to the Head of the Study Program.
  2. The Academic Officer processes the request to the Course Instructor.
  3. The request is sent to the Course Instructor, with a copy for the student concerned.

II.3.3. Assessment Methods

The principles used in the assessment system are educative, authentic, objective, accountable, and transparent, carried out in an integrated manner using SIOBA (Outcome Based Assessment Information System) provided by KJM UGM or GOAL (Grade and Outcome Analysis Log-sheets) provided by the Faculty. The learning assessment is conducted by the instructors of the relevant courses. During the assessment process, the course instructor presents the assessment contract in the first meeting of the course. The assessment contract includes the assessment components along with their respective weights used to calculate the final grade of the course. The assessment components can be determined using a combination of various assessment techniques, including observation, participation, performance demonstrations, written tests, oral tests, and questionnaires. The assessment mechanisms and procedures are carried out according to the agreed-upon contract. In general, the assessment procedures include several stages: planning, assignment or test activities, performance observation, feedback on the observation results, and final grading. Throughout these stages, students are given the opportunity to provide feedback on the assessment results. The assessment outcomes are documented to ensure accountability and transparency in the assessment process. The assessment results are reported to each student in the form of a Study Result Card (KHS), which can be accessed online through SIMASTER UGM. The grading system used in the reporting adheres to the UNIVERSITAS GADJAH MADA RECTOR’S REGULATION NUMBER 2 OF 2023 concerning EDUCATION. The grading system is relative, meaning it evaluates a student’s ability relative to other students in the same class. In this system, it is assumed that in a class with a considerable number of students, there will be students with varying levels of proficiency, ranging from very good, good, satisfactory, less satisfactory, to poor. The students’ abilities are then given letter grades such as A, A-, A/B, B+, B, B-, B/C, C+, C, C-, C/D, D+, D, and E, with conversion rules and weightings as indicated in Table 1 below.

Table 1. Weight conversion values.
No.Nilai HurufBobot Nilai

In addition to the letter grades listed in Table 1 above, the letter grade T is also used. This code indicates that a student’s grade for the related course is incomplete because not all assignments were completed on time with permission from the instructor. These assignments must be completed within two weeks, and if not fulfilled, the T grade will be changed to an E.