1.3. Educational Objectives

Educational Objectives

The educational objectives of the General Surveying and Mapping Technology Undergraduate Study Program are as follows :

  1. Organizing an applied undergraduate formal education in Surveying and Mapping Technology, which produces skilled workers who have the ability and competence to lead activities in the field of surveying and mapping, especially in survey work. Large-scale mapping, both on land, sea, and air dimensions (KKNI level 6).
  2. Produce graduates who are able to carry out supervision of service activities in the field of surveys and large-scale mapping on land, sea, and air dimensions.
  3. Produce graduates who are able to find, recognize, formulate solutions, and provide corrections to solve problems in survey and mapping work.

The Mission of the Undergraduate Study Program in General Surveying and Mapping Technology is as follows:

  1. To carry out applied undergraduate education in the field of General Surveying and Mapping Technology to produce graduates who are competent, professional, civilized and dignified, and possess entrepreneurial and innovative abilities.
  2. Improving research and community service in the field of applied General Surveying and Mapping Technology that is oriented towards community welfare.
  3. Establishing partnership programs with educational institutions, government, the mapping survey industry and Geospatial information at home and abroad.