About Us
The Vocational School of Universitas Gadjah Mada (SV-UGM) is a skill-based education program (Diploma) under the governance of Universitas Gadjah Mada, established based on Rector Decree No. 518/P/SK/HT/2008 dated October 6, 2008, regarding Vocational School. It serves as a platform for all Diploma Programs at UGM and operates as a separate entity independent of its parent faculties. During its inception, there were 27 study programs from various fields of knowledge that joined SV-UGM. Since May 21, 2013, the management of study programs in SV UGM has been coordinated through the Department-Based Governance (TKBD), divided into 8 departments: Earth Technology, Language Arts and Cultural Management, Economics and Business, Health Services, Biotechnology and Veterinary, Electrical and Informatics Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, and Civil Engineering.
The Department of Earth Technology at SV UGM manages two Diploma III study programs: Geomatics Engineering and Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System (PJSIG). Both programs produce graduates with expertise in Geospatial Information (GI), covering surveying and mapping, remote sensing, and geographic information systems.
The history of the Applied Bachelor’s Program in Surveying and Basic Mapping Technology (TSPD) at the Department of Earth Technology (DTK) SV UGM began with the opening of the Geomatics Engineering Diploma 3 Program under the Department of Geodesy Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, UGM, established on July 13, 2000, with classes commencing in the academic year 2000/2001, precisely in September 2000. During its early years until November 2009, the program was structurally under the Department of Geodesy Engineering, UGM. As part of the department, this program was located in the Department of Geodesy Engineering building within the Faculty of Engineering, UGM. Initially, the curriculum used was the Curriculum 2000, which had two main specializations: Cadastre and Engineering Surveying. In 2007, a curriculum evaluation was conducted, resulting in a new curriculum focused on the Geomatics Technology scientific competence. From its establishment in 2000 until now, a total of 560 alumni have successfully graduated from this program.
As the program developed, the Diploma 3 Program in Geomatics Engineering, based on Rector Decree No. 518/P/SK/HT/2008 dated October 6, 2008, regarding Vocational School, was placed under the umbrella of SV UGM, with its management falling under the Department of Earth Technology (DTK). Subsequently, based on Rector Decree No. 1597 /UN1.P/KPT/HUKUR/2019, starting from the academic year 2019/2020, the program no longer accepted new students for the Diploma 3 Program. Instead, the Diploma 3 Program was upgraded to an Applied Bachelor’s Program, known as the Applied Bachelor’s Program in Surveying and Basic Mapping Technology (TSPD). In the academic year 2019/2020, the TSPD Program accepted 21 new students through the Conversion Program (AP) from the graduates of the Diploma 3 Program in Geomatics Engineering. This trend continued in the academic year 2020/2021, where the TSPD Program accepted 33 AP students. Meanwhile, the admission of new students from high schools commenced in the academic year 2020/2021, accepting 51 students.
Based on the information above, it can be understood that until now (first semester of the academic year 2020/2021), the TSPD Program at DTK SV UGM has conducted academic activities, including lectures and practicals, for the 2019 AP students (from semester 7 to semester 9), 2020 AP students (semester 7), and new students of the 2020 cohort (semester 1). Thus, the TSPD Program at DTK SV UGM has not yet graduated any students until the end of the first semester of the academic year 2020/2021.