
SDGs 13 (Climate action)

The TSPD Student Team from UGM Vocational School Wins Second Place in Mapping and Receives the “Most Unique Video Presentation” Award at the 2023 SuperMap GIS Contest

On September 15, 2023, the GIS Contest SuperMap 2023, an international competition that brings together students from around the world to showcase innovations in mapping and spatial analysis using SuperMap software, was held online. In this competition, the team from the Basic Surveying and Mapping Technology Program at UGM Vocational School successfully secured second place in the Mapping category with the “Most Unique Video Presentation” award. This achievement was earned through their project, which focused on waste accumulation and methane emissions at landfill sites.

The photo above shows the moment when the certificate and merchandise were presented to the second-place winners in the Mapping category, the UGM team, consisting of Ridho Haikal Permana, Farizi Hibatul Hakim, Ummi Kun Barorotur Rofiah, and Nadifa Ramadhani. They succeeded in winning the award at the national event organized by SuperMap, one of the largest GIS companies in Asia.

The GIS Contest SuperMap 2023 began with the participant registration process, followed by the submission of projects, reports, and raw data by each team. The categories competed in included Mapping and Application Analysis. The UGM team chose to compete in the Mapping category, focusing on a highly relevant environmental issue: predicting waste accumulation and methane emissions at landfill sites.

The project work began with the collection and analysis of spatial data related to landfill sites in various regions of Indonesia. Using SuperMap iDesktopX version 10i software, the team processed the data to produce a unique and informative thematic map. This map visualized the potential waste accumulation and methane emissions projected through 2045, in line with the Vision Indonesia Emas 2045.

After completing the project, the UGM team compiled a detailed report and a video presentation highlighting their work. This video featured explanations of the background on potential waste accumulation and methane emissions, with unique animations and data visualizations, which captured the judges’ attention and led the UGM team to win the “Most Unique Video Presentation” award.

During an interview, members of the UGM team stated that their choice of topic was driven by their concern about Indonesia’s increasingly urgent waste management issues. “We want to make a real contribution to better waste management in the future,” said one of the team members.

The UGM team’s success in winning second place in the Mapping category with the “Most Unique Video Presentation” award at the GIS Contest SuperMap 2023 underscores their ability to integrate GIS technology with the analysis of real-world environmental problems. This project provides significant contributions by offering data and insights that can be utilized by the government and other stakeholders in efforts toward more efficient and sustainable waste management. The UGM team hopes that their work will inspire and guide similar projects in the future, supporting the creation of a better environment toward Vision Indonesia Emas 2045.









Visit of TSPD Students to the BMKG in Nganjuk Regency

Representatives of Basic Survey and Mapping Technology students, along with the Indonesian Geodesy Student Association (IMGI), conducted a visit to the BMKG in Nganjuk Regency, East Java, as part of the IMGI 2024 Company Visit event on March 28, 2024.

This Company Visit event was organized by the Geomatics Student Association of Institut Teknologi Surabaya (HIMAGE ITS) and was attended by several delegations, including students from Basic Survey and Mapping Technology and Geodesy Engineering at UGM.

The event involved a direct visit to the BMKG Geophysics Station in Sawahan, Nganjuk, and an interactive seminar featuring a study case (related to the geodesy profession) presented by a speaker from the BMKG Geophysics Station in Sawahan, Nganjuk.

Rasyid Widayanta, a participant from the KMTSP delegation, expressed that the event was very engaging because it was held at BMKG Nganjuk and organized by friends from HIMAGE ITS. Students had the opportunity to learn and understand various earth sciences at BMKG, such as the weather monitoring instruments and earthquake detection sensors. The BMKG team provided excellent guidance, helping students to become familiar with the equipment at the BMKG.

This event was highly beneficial as it not only allowed students to build connections with other delegations participating in the Company Visit, but also provided valuable knowledge about earth sciences directly from BMKG Nganjuk, East Java.


Author: Putri Shafaa Salsabila