Communication between students, lecturers, and education staff will continue to take place during the academic period. With the development of technology, communication between these three elements is not only face-to-face but can also be done through email, SMS, and messaging features on social media applications (WhatsApp, FB, Telegram, Twitter, Instagram, etc.). There are ethics that must be maintained and considered when communicating with lecturers and education staff (tendik).
II.10.1. Communication through mobile phones.
- Waktu
Perhatikan waktu mengirim pesan singkat (SMS, WhatsApp, DM, dll) dan berbicara melalui telpon. Usahakan pesan singkat tersebut dikirim pada saat jam kerja. Hindari mengirimkan pesan singkat pada jam istirahat siang (12.00 s/d 13.00) dan istirahat malam. Apabila ingin menghubungi dosen melalui telpon, pastikan sudah mendapatkan izin terlebih dahulu.
- Bahasa
Gunakan Bahasa yang baik, sopan, formal dan tidak menggunakan Bahasa gaul. Hindari menggunakan singkatan dan tanda baca ganda saat mengirimkan pesan singkat.
Contoh salah
Contoh benar
- Sapaan
Selalu awali pesan Anda dengan ucapan salam atau sapaan sejenis saat menghubungi dosen dan tendik
- Permohonan Izin
Ucapkan permohonan izin atau permohonan maaf telah mengganggu waktu dosen dan tendik
- Perkenalan Diri
Perkenalkan diri Anda saat mengawali pesan dengan dosen atau tendik karena tidak semua dosen atau tendik menyimpan nomor mahasiswanya
- Pesan Singkat dan Jelas
Tuliskan keperluan Anda dengan singkat, padat, dan jelas
- Salam Penutup
Akhiri pesan Anda dengan ucapan terima kasih dan salam penutup
II.10.2. Oral Communication
- Use polite, formal language
- Request permission to meet and talk
- Introduce yourself
- Clearly state your purpose
- Express gratitude after the meeting
- Be mindful of timing when meeting with faculty and staff, avoiding lunchtime (12.00 to 13.00) or when they are in discussion with colleagues/students.
II.10.3. Communication through email.
Always use the official UGM email to contact lecturers and staff. Here are the components that students should pay attention to when writing an email addressed to lecturers and staff:
- Always write the Email Subject
- Deliver the message in the Email body by paying attention to the following sequence:
- Greetings or similar address
- Introduce yourself
- Deliver a clear purpose
- Close the email with regards and thanks
- Use a signature at the end of the email to clarify your identity