Workshop Strategi Pencapaian Target Pemberitaan SDGs Sekolah Vokasi UGM Tahun 2024
Hari, tanggal : Kamis, 7 Maret 2024
Waktu : 09.00 – 13.00 WIB
Lokasi : Ruang 201 (Lantai 2) Gedung Teaching Industry Learning Center (TILC) SV UGM
Kata Kunci (Keywords)
SDG 1 (No poverty)
Menghapus KemiskinanNo. | SDG 1 (No poverty)Â |
1 | Developing countries |
2 | Basic services |
3 | Class |
4 | Disadvantaged |
5 | Economic resources |
6 | End poverty |
7 | Environment |
8 | Equality |
9 | Extreme poverty |
10 | Financial inclusion |
11 | Income |
12 | Income equality |
13 | Microfinance |
14 | Non-discrimination |
15 | Poor |
16 | Poor and vulnerable |
17 | Poverty |
18 | Poverty eradication |
19 | Poverty line |
20 | Quality of Life |
21 | Resources |
22 | Social protection systems / social protection |
23 | Sustainable |
24 | Third World |
25 | Vulnerable |
26 | Wealth distribution |
SDG 2 (Zero Hunger)
Mengakhiri KelaparanNo. | SDG 2 (Zero Hunger) |
1 | Agricultural Orientation index |
2 | Agricultural productivity |
3 | Agriculture |
4 | Consume |
5 | Crop diversity |
6 | Crops |
7 | Doha Development Round / Doha Round |
8 | End hunger |
9 | Environment |
10 | Food |
11 | Food gap |
12 | Food production |
13 | Food reserves |
14 | Food Security |
15 | Genetic diversity |
16 | Genetic diversity of seeds |
17 | Genetics |
18 | Hunger people |
19 | Hungry |
20 | Improved nutrition |
21 | Innovations and health |
22 | Legumes |
23 | Maize |
24 | Malnourished |
25 | Malnutrition |
26 | Nutrition |
27 | Nutritional needs |
28 | Nutritious |
29 | Poverty |
30 | Produce |
31 | Productivity |
32 | Quality of life |
33 | Resilient agriculture |
34 | Rural infrastructure |
35 | Small-scale food producers |
36 | Stunted growth |
37 | Stunting |
38 | Sufficient food |
39 | Sustainable |
40 | Sustainable agriculture |
41 | Sustainable food production |
42 | Trade diversity |
43 | Trade restrictions |
44 | Under nourished / Undernourished |
45 | Wasting |
46 | World’s hungry |
SDG3 (Good health and well-being)Â
Kesehatan yang baik dan kesejahteraanNo. | SDG3 (Good health and well-being) |
1 | Access to clean water and sanitation |
2 | Affordable medicines |
3 | AIDS |
4 | Air contamination |
5 | Air pollution |
6 | Alcohol abuse |
7 | Antenatal care |
8 | Antiretroviral |
9 | Antiretroviral therapy |
10 | Biomedical |
11 | Bodily autonomy |
12 | Child deaths |
13 | Contraceptive use |
14 | Death rate |
15 | Dental |
16 | Disability and family support |
17 | Disability and inclusion |
18 | Disability and politics of location |
19 | Diseases |
20 | Family planning |
21 | Health |
22 | Health in resource-constrained settings |
23 | Health worker density |
24 | Healthy |
25 | Healthy lives |
26 | Hepatitis |
27 | HIV |
28 | Improving mortality |
29 | Increasing life expectancy |
30 | Indigenous |
31 | Infected |
32 | International health policy |
33 | International health regulations |
34 | Malaria |
35 | Maternal mortality |
36 | Measles |
37 | Medical |
38 | Mental health |
39 | Mortality |
40 | Mortality rate |
41 | Narcotic drug abuse |
42 | Neonatal mortality |
43 | Polio |
44 | Premature mortality |
45 | Preventable deaths |
46 | Reducing malaria |
47 | Reducing mortality |
48 | Refugees and health services |
49 | Reproductive health |
50 | Road traffic accidents |
51 | Sexual and reproductive health-care |
52 | Sexual health |
53 | Soil contamination |
54 | Soil pollution |
55 | Tobacco control |
56 | Treatment of substance abuse |
57 | Tuberculosis |
58 | Universal health |
59 | Universal health coverage |
60 | Vaccines |
61 | Vaccines in developing countries |
62 | Violence |
63 | WASH |
64 | Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for All |
65 | Water-borne disease wellbeing/well being/well-being |
66 | World Health Organisation |
SDG 4 (Quality education)
Pendidikan bermutuNo. | SDG 4 (Quality education)Â |
1 | Access to education |
2 | Basic education |
3 | Basic literacy |
4 | Basic literacy skills |
5 | Cultural diversity |
6 | Disability |
7 | Disability and education |
8 | Early childhood |
9 | Early childhood development |
10 | Education |
11 | Education for sustainability |
12 | Education in developing |
13 | Enrolment |
14 | Equal access |
15 | Equal education |
16 | Equitable education |
17 | Gender disparities in education |
18 | Gender disparity |
19 | Gender equality |
20 | Gender equity |
21 | Gender sensitive |
22 | Global citizenship |
23 | Global education |
24 | Inclusion and education |
25 | Inclusive |
26 | Innovation |
27 | International cooperation |
28 | Learning opportunities |
29 | Lifelong learning |
30 | Literacy |
31 | Literacy skills |
32 | Numeracy |
33 | Preprimary education |
34 | Primary education |
35 | Qualified teachers |
36 | Refugees and learning |
37 | Scholarships |
38 | School |
39 | School enrolment |
40 | Secondary education |
41 | Teacher training |
42 | Universal education |
43 | Vocational training |
44 | Vulnerable |
45 | Women's rights |
SDG 5 (Gender equality)Â
Kesetaraan genderNo. | SDG 5 (Gender equality) |
1 | Basic living standards |
2 | Dignity |
3 | Disadvantaged |
4 | Discrimination |
5 | Employment |
6 | Empower girls |
7 | Empowerment |
8 | Empowerment of women / empower women / women's empowerment |
9 | Equal access |
10 | Equal opportunities |
11 | Equality |
12 | Exploitation |
13 | Female genital mutilation |
14 | Feminism |
15 | Forced marriage |
16 | Gender |
17 | Gender discrimination |
18 | Gender equality/parity |
19 | Governance and gender |
20 | Human rights |
21 | Human trafficking |
22 | Humanitarian |
23 | Marginalised |
24 | Parity |
25 | Pay |
26 | Reproductive rights |
27 | Sexual and reproductive health |
28 | Sexual exploitation |
29 | Sexual violence |
30 | Social inclusion |
31 | Trafficking |
32 | Universal health coverage |
33 | Violence |
34 | Violence against girls |
35 | Violence against women |
36 | Women |
37 | Women in work |
38 | Women's rights |
39 | Workplace equality |
SDG 6 (Clean water and sanitation)Â
Akses air bersih dan sanitasiNo. | SDG 6 (Clean water and sanitation) |
1 | Accessible water |
2 | Affordable drinking water |
3 | Aquifer |
4 | Cities |
5 | Clean water |
6 | Contaminated |
7 | Defecation |
8 | Desalination |
9 | Diarrheal diseases |
10 | Drought |
11 | Dumping |
12 | Ecosystem protection |
13 | Ecosystem restoration |
14 | Equitable sanitation |
15 | Floods |
16 | Fresh water |
17 | Hydropower |
18 | Hygiene |
19 | Improving water |
20 | Inadequate water |
21 | Inadequate water supply |
22 | Infrastructure |
23 | Irrigation |
24 | Lakes |
25 | Latrines |
26 | Open defecation |
27 | Pollution |
28 | Recycled water |
29 | Reuse |
30 | River basins |
31 | Rivers |
32 | Safe drinking water |
33 | Sanitation |
34 | Sanitation and hygiene |
35 | Sanitation management |
36 | Sewerage |
37 | Sustainable water management |
38 | Sustainable withdrawals |
39 | Third world |
40 | Toilets |
41 | Untreated wastewater |
42 | Urban |
43 | Waste |
44 | Wastewater |
45 | Wastewater treatment |
46 | Water |
47 | Water access |
48 | Water disasters |
49 | Water ecosystems |
50 | Water efficiency |
51 | Water harvesting |
52 | Water quality |
53 | Water resources management |
54 | Water scarcity |
55 | Water supply |
56 | Water-related ecosystems |
57 | Water-use efficiency |
SDG 7 (Affordable and clean energy)Â
Energi bersih dan terjangkauNo. | SDG 7 (Affordable and clean energy) |
1 | Affordable energy |
2 | Alternative energy |
3 | Animal waste |
4 | Battery |
5 | Carbon |
6 | Charcoal |
7 | Clean energy |
8 | Clean energy technology |
9 | Clean fuel technology |
10 | Clean fuels |
11 | Cleaner fossil fuel technology |
12 | Climate goal |
13 | Coal |
14 | Electricity |
15 | Electricity infrastructure |
16 | Emissions |
17 | Energy |
18 | Energy efficiency |
19 | Energy infrastructure |
20 | Energy research |
21 | Energy technology |
22 | Fossil-fuel |
23 | Green economy |
24 | Greenhouse gas |
25 | Greenhouse gas emissions |
26 | Hydroelectric |
27 | Low carbon |
28 | Modern electricity |
29 | Modern energy |
30 | Reliable energy |
31 | Renewable |
32 | Renewable energy |
33 | Renewable power |
34 | Solar |
35 | Solar energy |
36 | Solar power |
37 | Sustainable energy |
38 | Sustainable energy services |
39 | Sustainable power |
40 | Vehicles |
41 | Wave |
42 | Wind |
43 | Wind power |
44 | Wind turbine |
45 | Wood |
SDG 8 (Decent work and economic growth)Â
Pekerjaan layak dan pertumbuhan ekonomiNo. | SDG 8 (Decent work and economic growth) |
1 | Aid for trade |
2 | Banking |
3 | Child labour |
4 | Child soldiers |
5 | Creativity and innovation |
6 | Culture |
7 | Decent work |
8 | Decent work for all |
9 | Development oriented policy |
10 | Economic growth |
11 | Economic productivity |
12 | Economy |
13 | Enterprises |
14 | Entrepreneurship |
15 | Forced labour |
16 | GDP growth |
17 | Global resource efficiency |
18 | Global trade |
19 | Gross domestic product growth |
20 | Human trafficking |
21 | Inclusive economic growth |
22 | Innovation |
23 | Insurance |
24 | Job creation |
25 | Jobs |
26 | Labour market |
27 | Labour rights |
28 | Micro finance |
29 | Migrant workers |
30 | Modern slavery |
31 | Poverty eradication |
32 | Poverty line |
33 | Productive employment |
34 | Productivity |
35 | Public policy |
36 | Quality jobs |
37 | Quality of life |
38 | Resource efficiency |
38 | Safe work |
40 | Secure work |
41 | Slavery |
42 | Social policies |
43 | Society |
44 | Stable employment |
45 | Stable jobs |
46 | Sustainable consumption |
47 | Sustainable economic growth |
48 | Sustainable production |
49 | Sustainable tourism |
50 | Trade |
51 | Unemployment |
52 | Well-paid jobs |
53 | Women migrants |
54 | Work |
55 | Work opportunities |
56 | World trade |
57 | Youth employment |
58 | Youth unemployment |
59 | Equal pay |
60 | Finance |
61 | Financial services |
SDG 9 (Industry, innovation and infrastructure)Â
Infrastruktur, industri dan inovasiNo. | SDG 9 (Industry, innovation and infrastructure) |
1 | Access to the internet |
2 | Affordable access |
3 | Affordable credit |
4 | Clean technologies |
5 | Cooperation |
6 | Data banks |
7 | Economic development |
8 | Electrical power |
9 | Energy |
10 | Enterprises |
11 | Environmentally sound technologies |
12 | Financial services |
13 | ICT infrastructure |
14 | Industrial diversification |
15 | Industrialisation |
16 | Information and communication technology |
17 | Infrastructure |
18 | Innovation |
19 | Internet access |
20 | Irrigation |
21 | Knowledge in education for all |
22 | Mobile networks in developing countries |
23 | National Security |
24 | Network infrastructure |
25 | Phone service |
26 | Public policy |
27 | Quality of life |
28 | Regional infrastructure |
29 | Research |
30 | Resilient infrastructure |
31 | Resource use efficiency |
32 | Roads |
33 | Sanitation |
34 | Scientific research |
35 | Society |
36 | Sustainable industrialisation |
37 | Sustainable infrastructure |
38 | Technological capabilities |
39 | Technology |
40 | Trade |
41 | Transborder infrastructure |
42 | Transport |
43 | Value chains |
44 | Value chains and markets |
45 | Water infrastructure |
46 | Water resources |
SDG 10 (Reduced inequalities)Â
Mengurangi ketimpanganNo. | SDG 10 (Reduced inequalities) |
1 | Affordable housing |
2 | Age |
3 | Ageism |
4 | Business |
5 | Children |
6 | Culture |
7 | Developing countries |
8 | Developing states |
9 | Development assistance |
10 | Disabilities |
11 | Discrimination |
12 | Discriminatory |
13 | Economy |
14 | Education |
15 | Empower |
16 | Equal opportunity |
17 | Equality |
18 | Equity |
19 | Ethnicity |
20 | Financial assistance |
21 | Foreign aid |
22 | Foreign investment |
23 | Gender |
24 | Global financial markets |
25 | Health |
26 | Homelessness |
27 | Homophobia |
28 | Human rights |
29 | Inclusion |
30 | Income growth |
31 | Income inequality |
32 | Indigenous |
33 | Inequalities |
34 | Inequality |
35 | Migrant remittance |
36 | Migration |
37 | Population growth |
38 | Poverty |
39 | Public policy |
40 | Quality of life |
41 | Race |
42 | Racisim |
43 | Reduce inequalities |
44 | Religion |
45 | Rural |
46 | Sex |
47 | Sexism |
48 | Social protection |
49 | Society |
50 | Vulnerable nations |
51 | World trade |
SDG 11 (Sustainable cities and communities)Â
Kota dan komunitas yang berkelanjutanNo. | SDG 11 (Sustainable cities and communities) |
1 | Adaptable |
2 | Adaptation |
3 | Affordable housing |
4 | Air pollution |
5 | Air quality |
6 | Cities |
7 | Climate change |
8 | Community |
9 | Cultural heritage |
10 | Decentralisation |
11 | Development planning |
12 | Disaster management |
13 | Disaster risk reduction |
14 | Disaster Strategy |
15 | Disasters |
16 | Fine particulate matter |
17 | Green spaces |
18 | Heritage |
19 | Housing |
20 | Human settlements |
21 | Impact of cities |
22 | Inadequate housing |
23 | Informal settlements |
24 | Infrastructure |
25 | Land |
26 | Land consumption |
27 | local materials |
28 | mitigation |
29 | Natural disasters |
30 | Natural heritage |
31 | Over crowding |
32 | Pollution |
33 | Population |
34 | Population growth |
35 | Public spaces |
36 | Public transport |
37 | Resilient |
38 | Resilient buildings |
39 | Resource efficiency |
40 | Resource needs |
41 | Risk reduction strategy |
42 | Road safety |
43 | Safe cities |
44 | Shanty |
45 | Slums |
46 | Smart cities |
47 | Solid waste |
48 | Suburban |
49 | Sustainable |
50 | Sustainable building/s |
51 | Sustainable cities/city |
52 | Sustainable communities |
53 | Sustainable urbanisation |
54 | Town planning |
55 | Transport |
56 | Transport systems |
57 | Urban |
58 | Urban development |
59 | Urban planning |
60 | Urban sustainability |
61 | Urbanisation |
62 | Waste |
63 | Waste generation |
64 | Waste management |
65 | Water |
66 | Water-related disasters |
SDG 12 (Responsible consumption and production)
Konsumsi dan produksi yang bertanggung jawabNo. | SDG 12 (Responsible consumption and production) |
1 | Capitalism |
2 | Cars |
3 | Circular economy |
4 | Commercial enterprises |
5 | Consumer levels |
6 | Consumerism |
7 | Consumption |
8 | Deep decarbonisation |
9 | Ecological |
10 | Efficient use of resources |
11 | Energy |
12 | Energy consumption |
13 | Energy efficiency |
14 | Energy use |
15 | Food |
16 | Food losses |
17 | Food supply |
18 | Food waste |
19 | Fossil fuel subsidies |
20 | Future proof |
21 | Global food waste |
22 | Greenhouse gasses |
23 | Harvest losses |
24 | Life cycle |
25 | Market distortions |
26 | Materialism |
27 | Materials goods |
28 | Monitoring sustainable development |
29 | Natural resources |
30 | Obsolescence |
31 | Overconsumption |
32 | Production |
33 | Recycle |
34 | Recycling |
35 | Reduce waste generation |
36 | Reduction |
37 | Renewable |
38 | Resource efficiency |
39 | Responsible production chains |
40 | Retail |
41 | Retail industry |
42 | Reuse |
43 | Sustainable |
44 | Sustainable consumption |
45 | Sustainable management |
46 | Sustainable practices |
47 | Sustainable production |
48 | Sustainable public procurement |
49 | Sustainable resource use |
50 | Sustainable supply chain |
51 | Sustainable tourism |
52 | Vehicles |
53 | Waste |
54 | Wasteful consumption |
55 | Water |
56 | Water pollution |
57 | Water supply |
SDG 13 (Climate action)Â
Penanganan perubahan iklimNo. | SDG 13 (Climate action) |
1 | Average global temperature |
2 | Carbon |
3 | Carbon dioxide |
4 | Changing weather patterns |
5 | Climate |
6 | Climate action |
7 | Climate adaptation |
8 | Climate and gender |
9 | Climate and infectious disease |
10 | Climate and politics |
11 | Climate change |
12 | Climate change management |
13 | Climate change planning |
14 | Climate change policy |
15 | Climate early warning |
16 | Climate hazards |
17 | Climate impact |
18 | Climate mitigation |
19 | Climate refugees |
20 | Climate related hazards |
21 | Climate resilience |
22 | CO2 capture |
23 | CO2 conversion |
24 | COP 21 |
25 | COP 22 |
26 | Ecosystems |
27 | Emissions |
28 | Extreme weather |
29 | Extreme weather events |
30 | Global mean temperature |
31 | Global temperature |
32 | Global warming |
33 | Greenhouse gas |
34 | Greenhouse gas emissions |
35 | Greenhouse gases |
36 | Ice loss |
37 | Low-carbon economy |
38 | Natural disasters |
39 | Natural systems |
40 | Ocean warming |
41 | Paris Agreement |
42 | Pollution |
43 | Renewable |
44 | Sea level rise / Rising sea / Rising sea level |
45 | Temperature |
46 | Warming |
SDG 14 (Life below water)Â
Menjaga ekosistem lautNo. | SDG 14 (Life below water) |
1 | Artisanal fishers |
2 | Biodiversity |
3 | Carbon dioxide |
4 | Coastal biodiversity |
5 | Coastal ecosystems |
6 | Coastal habitats |
7 | Coastal parks |
8 | Coastal resources |
9 | Coastlines |
10 | Conserve |
11 | Conserve oceans |
12 | Coral bleaching |
13 | Coral reef |
14 | Ecosystem management |
15 | Fish species |
16 | Fish stocks |
18 | Fisheries |
19 | Fishers |
20 | Fishing |
21 | Fishing practices |
22 | Global warming |
23 | Illegal fishing |
24 | Kelp |
25 | Law of the Sea |
26 | Marine |
27 | Marine areas |
28 | Marine biodiversity |
29 | Marine ecosystems |
30 | Marine fisheries |
31 | Marine Parks |
32 | Marine pollution |
33 | Marine resources |
34 | Ocean |
35 | Ocean acidification |
36 | Ocean temperature |
37 | Oceanography |
38 | Oceans |
39 | Overfishing |
40 | Productive oceans |
41 | Protected areas |
42 | Sea grasses |
43 | Seas |
44 | Sustainable ecosystems |
45 | Unregulated fishing |
46 | Water resources and policy |
SDG 15 (Life on land)
Menjaga ekosistem daratNo. | SDG 15 (Life on land) |
1 | Afforestation |
2 | Agriculture |
3 | Animals |
4 | Arable land |
5 | Bees |
6 | Biodiversity |
7 | Biodiversity loss |
8 | Conservation |
9 | Deforestation |
10 | Desertification |
11 | Drought |
12 | Drylands |
13 | Ecosystem |
14 | Ecosystem restoration |
15 | Ecosystems |
16 | Extinct |
17 | Extinct species |
18 | Extinction |
19 | Forest |
20 | Forest management |
21 | Forests |
22 | Genetic resources |
23 | Illegal wildlife products |
24 | Illicit trafficking |
25 | Indigenous |
26 | Indigenous populations |
27 | Invasive alien species |
28 | Land conservation |
29 | Land loss |
30 | Land use and sustainability |
31 | Manage forests |
32 | Managed forests |
33 | Micro-organisms |
34 | Permaculture |
35 | Plants |
36 | Poaching |
37 | Poverty |
38 | Protected fauna |
39 | Protected flora |
40 | Protected species |
41 | Reforestation |
42 | Soil |
43 | Soil degradation |
44 | Species |
45 | Strategic plan for biodiversity |
46 | Terrestrial ecosystems |
47 | Threatened species |
48 | Tree |
49 | Tree species |
50 | Wetlands |
SDG 16 (Peace, justice and strong institutions)Â
Perdamaian keadilan dan kelembagaan yang kuatNo. | SDG 16 (Peace, justice and strong institutions)Â |
1 | Abuse |
2 | Accountability |
3 | Accountable institutions |
4 | Arbitrary detention |
5 | Arms |
6 | Arms trafficking |
7 | Birth registration |
8 | Bribery |
9 | Combat terrorism |
10 | Conflict resolution |
11 | Conflicts |
12 | Corruption |
13 | Discrimination |
14 | Education |
15 | Enforced disappearance |
16 | Equal access |
17 | Equity |
18 | Exploitation |
19 | Flow of arms |
20 | Freedom |
21 | Geography of poverty |
22 | Governance |
23 | Hate crime |
24 | Human rights |
25 | Human trafficking |
26 | Illegal arms |
27 | Illicit financial flows |
28 | Inclusion |
29 | Inclusive institutions |
30 | Inclusive societies/society |
31 | Institutions |
32 | Internally displaced |
33 | Judiciary |
34 | Justice |
35 | Justice for all |
36 | Legal identity |
37 | National Security |
38 | Non-violence |
39 | Organized crime |
40 | Paris principles |
41 | Peace |
42 | Peaceful societies |
43 | Physical abuse |
44 | Police |
45 | Prevent violence |
46 | Psychological abuse |
47 | Public policy |
48 | Quality of life |
49 | Representative decision-making |
50 | Rule of law |
51 | Security threats |
52 | Sexual abuse |
53 | Sexual violence |
54 | Stolen assets |
55 | Tax evasion |
56 | Theft |
57 | Torture |
58 | Trafficking |
59 | Transparency |
60 | Un-sentenced detainees |
61 | Unstable societies |
62 | Victims of violence |
63 | Violence |
64 | Violence against women and children |
65 | Violence rates |
66 | Weapon seizures |
SDG 17 (Partnerships for the goals)
Kemitraan untuk mencapai tujuanNo. | SDG 17 (Partnerships for the goals) |
1 | Capacity building |
2 | Civil society partnerships |
3 | Communication technologies |
4 | Debt sustainability |
5 | Development assistance |
6 | Disaggregated data |
7 | Doha Development Agenda |
8 | Entrepreneurship |
9 | Environmentally sound technologies |
10 | Foreign direct investments |
11 | Fostering innovation |
12 | Free trade |
13 | Fundamental principles of official statistics |
14 | Global partnership |
15 | Global partnership for sustainable development |
16 | Global stability |
17 | International aid |
18 | International cooperation |
19 | International population and housing census |
20 | International support |
21 | International support for developing countries |
22 | Knowledge sharing |
23 | Multi-stakeholder partnerships |
24 | Poverty eradication |
25 | Public-private partnerships |
26 | Science cooperation agreements |
27 | Technology cooperation agreements |
28 | Technology transfer |
29 | Weighted tariff average |
30 | Women entrepreneurs |
31 | World Trade Organization |
Kata Kunci SDGs Versi Indonesia
Nomor | SDG 1 Menghapus Kemiskinan | SDG 2 Mengakhiri Kelaparan | SDG 3 Kesehatan yang Baik dan Kesejahteraan | SDG 4 Pendidikan Bermutu | SDG 5 Kesetaran Gender | SDG 6 Akses Air Bersih dan Sanitasi | SDG 7 Energi Bersih dan Terjangkau | SDG 8 Pekerjaan Layak dan Pertumbuhan Ekonomi | SDG 9 Infrastruktur, Industri dan Inovasi | SDG 10 Mengurangi Ketimpangan | SDG 11 Kota dan Komunitas yang Berkelanjutan | SDG 12 Konsumsi dan Produksi yang Bertanggungjawab | SDG 13 Penanganan Perubahan Iklim | SDG 14 Menjaga Ekosistem Laut | SDG 15 Menjaga Ekosistem Darat | SDG 16 Perdamaian, Kedamaian, dan Kelembagaan yang Kuat | SDG 17 Kemitraan untuk Mencapai Tujuan |
1 | Negara berkembang | Indeks Orientasi Pertanian | Akses terhadap air bersih dan sanitasi | Akses terhadap pendidikan | Standar hidup dasar | Air yang dapat diakses | Energi yang Terjangkau | Bantuan untuk perdagangan | Akses terhadap internet | Perumahan yang terjangkau | Dapat Beradaptasi | Kapitalisme | Suhu global rata-rata | Nelayan artisanal | Penghijauan | Pelecehan | Peningkatan kapasitas |
2 | Layanan dasar | Produktivitas Pertanian | Obat yang terjangkau | Pendidikan dasar | Harga Diri | Air minum yang terjangkau | Energi Alternatif | Perbankan | Akes yang terjangkau | Umur | Adaptasi | Mobil | Karbon | Keanekaragaman hayati | Pertanian | Akuntabilitas | Kemitraan masyarakat sipil |
3 | Kelas | Pertanian | AIDS | Literasi Dasar | Dirugikan | akuifer | Kotoran hewan | Pekerja anak | kredit yang terjangkau | Pembatasan Usia | Perumahan yang terjangkau | Ekonomi sirkular | Karbon dioksida | Karbon dioksida | Hewan | institusi yang akuntabel | Teknologi komunikasi |
4 | Dirugikan | mengkonsumsi | Pencemaran Air | Keterampilan Literasi Dasar | Diskriminasi | Kota | Baterai | Tentara anak-anak | Teknologi Bersih | Bisnis | Polusi Udara | Perusahaan komersial | Mengubah pola cuaca | Keanekaragaman hayati pesisir | Tanah subur | Penahanan sewenang-wenang | Keberlanjutan utang |
5 | Sumber daya ekonomi | Keanekaragaman tanaman | Polusi Udara | Keragaman budaya | Pekerjaan | Air bersih | Karbon | Kreativitas dan inovasi | Kerja sama | Anak | Kualitas udara | Tingkat konsumen | Iklim | Ekosistem pesisir | Lebah | Senjata | Bantuan pembangunan |
6 | Mengakhiri kemiskinan | Tanaman | penyalahgunaan alkohol | Disabilitas | Memberdayakan perempuan | Tercermar | Arang | Budaya | Bank data | Budaya | Kota | Konsumerisme | Aksi Iklim | Habitat pesisir | Keanekaragaman hayati | Perdagangan senjata | Data terpilah |
7 | Lingkungan | Putaran Pembangunan Doha | Perawatan antenatal | Disabilitas dan pendidikan | Pemberdayaan | Kotoran manusia | Energi bersih | Pekerjaan yang layak | Pertumbuhan ekonomi | Negara berkembang | Perubahan iklim | Konsumsi | Adaptasi iklim | Taman pesisir | Hilangnya keanekaragaman hayati | Pendaftaran kelahiran | Agenda Pembangunan Doha |
8 | Persamaan | Mengakhiri kelaparan | Antiretroviral | Anak usia dini | Pemberdayaan perempuan | Desalinasi | Teknologi energi bersih | Pekerjaan yang layak untuk semua | Tenaga listrik | negara-negara berkembang | Masyarakat | Dekarbonisasi mendalam | Iklim dan gender | Sumber daya pesisir | Konservasi | Penyuapan | Kewiraswastaan |
9 | Kemiskinan ekstrim | Lingkungan | Terapi Antiretroviral | Perkembangan Anak Usia Dini | Akses yang setara | Penyakit diare | Teknologi bahan bakar bersih | Kebijakan yang berorientasi pada pembangunan | Energi | Bantuan pembangunan | Warisan budaya | Ekologis | Iklim dan penyakit menular | Garis pantai | Penggundulan hutan | Memerangi terorisme | teknologi yang ramah lingkungan |
10 | Inklusi keuangan | Makanan | Biomedis | Pendidikan | Peluang yang sama | Kekeringan | Bahan bakar bersih | Pertumbuhan ekonomi | Perusahaan | Disabilitas | Desentralisasi | Penggunaan sumber daya yang efisien | Iklim dan politik | Melestarikan | Desertifikasi | Resolusi konflik | teknologi yang ramah lingkungan |
11 | Penghasilan | Kesenjangan makanan | Otonomi tubuh | Pendidikan untuk keberlanjutan | Persamaan | Pembuangan | Teknologi bahan bakar fosil yang lebih bersih | Produktivitas ekonomi | Teknologi ramah lingkungan | Diskriminasi | Perencanaan pembangunan | Energi | Perubahan iklim | Melestarikan lautan | Kekeringan | Konflik | Mendorong inovasi |
12 | Kesetaraan pendapatan | Produksi makanan | Kematian anak | Pendidikan di negara berkembang | Eksploitasi | Perlindungan ekosistem | Tujuan iklim | Ekonomi | Layanan keuangan | Diskriminatif | Penanggulangan Bencana | Konsumsi energi | Manajemen perubahan iklim | Pemutihan karang | Lahan kering | Korupsi | Perdagangan bebas |
13 | Keuangan mikro | Cadangan makanan | Penggunaan kontrasepsi | Pendaftaran | Mutilasi alat kelamin perempuan | Restorasi ekosistem | Batu bara | Perusahaan | infrastruktur TIK | Ekonomi | Pengurangan risiko bencana | Efisiensi energi | Perencanaan perubahan iklim | batu karang | ekosistem | Diskriminasi | Prinsip dasar statistik resmi |
14 | Tanpa diskriminasi | Ketahanan pangan | Angka kematian | Akses yang setara | Feminisme | Sanitasi yang adil | Listrik | Kewiraswastaan | Diversifikasi industri | Pendidikan | Strategi Bencana | Penggunaan energi | Kebijakan perubahan iklim | Pengelolaan ekosistem | Restorasi ekosistem | Pendidikan | Kemitraan global |
15 | Miskin | Keanekaragaman genetik | Dental | Pendidikan yang setara | Pernikahan paksa | Banjir | Infrastruktur Listrik | upah yang sama | Industrialisasi | Memberdayakan | bencana | makanan | Peringatan dini iklim | Spesies ikan | Ekosistem | Penghilangan paksa | Kemitraan Global untuk pembangunan berkelanjutan |
16 | Miskin dan rentan | Keanekaragaman genetik benih | Disabilitas dan dukungan keluarga | Pendidikan yang adil | Jenis kelamin | Air tawar | Emisi | Keuangan | Teknologi Informasi dan komunikasi | Kesempatan yang sama | Temukan materi partikulat | kelangkaan makanan | Bahaya iklim | Stok ikan | Punah | Akses yang setara | Stabilitas global |
17 | Kemiskinan | Genetika | Disabilitas dan inklusi | Kesenjangan gender dalam pendidikan | Diskriminasi gender | Pembangkit listrik tenaga air | energi | Layanan Keuangan | Infrastruktur | Persamaan | Ruang hijau | Persediaan makanan | Dampak iklim | Stok ikan dan pengelolaan perikanan | Spesies yang punah | Ekuitas | Bantuan Internasional |
18 | Pengentasan kemiskinan | Kelaparan | Disabilitas dan politik lokasi | Kesenjangan gender | Kesetaraan atau paritas gender | Kesetaraan atau paritas gender | Efisiensi energi | Pekerja paksa | Inovasi | Ekuitas | warisan | Sampah makanan | Mitigasi iklim | Perikanan | Kepunahan | Eksploitasi | Kerjasama internasional |
19 | Garis kemiskinan | Orang-orang lapar | Penyakit | Kesetaraan gender | Tata Kelola dan gender | Memperbaiki air | Infrastruktur energi | pertumbuhan GDP | Akses internet | Etnis | Perumahan | Subsidi bahan bakar fosil | Pengungsi iklim | Nelayan | Hutan | arus senjata | Sensus penduduk dan perumahan internasional |
20 | Kualitas hidup | Perbaikan gizi | Keluarga Berencana | Keadilan gender | Hak asasi Manusia | Air tidak mencukupi | Penelitian Energi | Efisiensi sumber daya global | Irigasi | Pendampingan Keuangan | Pemukiman Penduduk | Bukti masa depan | Bahaya terkait iklim | penangkapan ikan | Pengelolaan hutan | kemerdekaan | Dukungan internasional |
21 | Sumber daya | Inovasi dan kesehatan | Kesehatan | sensitif gender | Perdagangan manusia | Pasokan air yang tidak memadai | Teknologi energi | Perdagangan global | Pengetahuan dalam pendidikan untuk semua | Bantuan Luar Negeri | Dampak kota | Limbah Makanan Global | ketahanan iklim | praktik penangkapan ikan | hutan | geografi kemiskinan | Dukungan internasional untuk negara berkembang |
22 | Perlindungan sosial | kacang-kacangan | kesehatan dalam keterbatasan Sumber daya | Kewarganegaraan global | kemanusiaan | Infrastruktur | Bahan bakar fosil | Pertumbuhan produk domestik bruto | Jaringan seluler di negara-negara berkembang | Penanaman Modal Asing | Perumahan yang tidak memadai | Gas-gas rumah kaca | Penangkapan CO2 | pemanasan global | Sumber daya genetik | pemerintahan | Berbagi pengetahuan |
23 | berkelanjutan | Jagung | Kepadatan petugas kesehatan | pendidikan global | terpinggirkan | Irigasi | Ekonomi hijau | Perdagangan manusia | Keamanan nasional | Jenis kelamin | Permukiman informal | kerugian panen | Konversi CO2 | penangkapan ikan ilegal | Produk satwa liar ilegal | Kejahatan kebencian | Kemitraan multi-pemangku kepentingan |
24 | Dunia ketiga | kekurangan gizi | Sehat | Inklusi dan pendidikan | keseimbangan | danau | Gas rumah kaca | Pertumbuhan ekonomi inklusif | Infrastruktur jaringan | Pasar Keuangan Global | Infrastruktur | Lingkaran kehidupan | Konferensi Para Pihak 21 | rumput laut | Perdagangan gelap | Hak asasi Manusia | pemberantasan kemiskinan |
25 | rentan | Malnutrisi | hidup yang sehat | Inklusif | Membayar | jamban | Emisi gas rumah kaca | Inovasi | Layanan telepon | kesehatan | Tanah | Distorsi pasar | Konferensi Para Pihak 22 | hukum laut | Asli | Perdagangan manusia | Kemitraan publik-swasta |
26 | distribusi kekayaan | nutrisi | Hepatitis | Inovasi | hak reproduksi | Buang air besar sembarangan | pembangkit listrik tenaga air | Asuransi | Kebijakan publik | Tunawisma | Konsumsi tanah | Materialisme | Ekosistem | laut | populasi pribumi | Senjata ilegal | Perjanjian kerjasama sains |
27 | kebutuhan nutrisi | HIV | Kerjasama internasional | kesehatan seksual dan reproduksi | Polusi | Rendah karbon | Penciptaan lapangan kerja | Kualitas hidup | Homofobia | bahan lokal | bahan baku | Emisi | wilayah laut | Spesies asing yang invasif | Aliran keuangan terlarang | Perjanjian kerjasama teknologi | |
28 | bergizi | Penurunan angka kematian | Kesempatan belajar | Eksploitasi seksual | Air daur ulang | Listrik masa kini | Pekerjaan | Infrastruktur wilayah | Hak asasi Manusia | mitigasi | Pemantauan pembangunan berkelanjutan | Cuaca ekstrim | keanekaragaman hayati laut | Konservasi lahan | inklusif | Transfer teknologi | |
29 | kemiskinan | Meningkatkan usia harapan hidup | belajar sepanjang hayat | kekerasan seksual | penggunaan kembali | Energi masa kini | Pasar tenaga kerja | Riset | Inklusi | bencana alam | Sumber daya alam | Peristiwa cuaca ekstrem | ekosistem laut | Degradasi tanah | Institusi inklusif | Rata-rata tarif tertimbang | |
30 | hasil bumi | Asli | melek huruf | keterlibatan sosial | daerah aliran sungai | Energi yang dapat diandalkan | Hak-hak buruh | Infrastruktur yang tangguh | Pertumbuhan pendapatan | Warisan alam | Keusangan | Suhu rata-rata global | perikanan laut | Hilangnya lahan | Masyarakat inklusif | Pengusaha perempuan | |
31 | produktivitas | Terjangkit | Keterampilan literasi | perdagangan manusia | sungai | Terbarukan | Keuangan mikro | Efisiensi penggunaan sumber daya | Ketimpangan pendapatan | Kepadatan yang berlebihan | Konsumsi berlebih | Suhu global | taman laut | Penggunaan lahan dan keberlanjutan | institusi | Organisasi Perdagangan Dunia | |
32 | kualitas hidup | Kebijakan Kesehatan Internasional | Kemampuan Numerik | jaminan kesehatan universal | air minum yang aman | Energi terbarukan | Pekerja migran | Jalan | asli | Polusi | Produksi | Pemanasan global | Polusi laut | mengelola hutan | pengungsi internal | ||
33 | pertanian yang tangguh | Peraturan Kesehatan Internasional | pendidikan pra-sekolah dasar | kekerasan | sanitasi | Kekuatan Terbarukan | Perbudakan masa kini | Sanitasi | Ketimpangan | Populasi | Daur ulang | gas rumah kaca | Sumber daya laut | hutan yang dikelola | Pengadilan | ||
34 | Infrastruktur pedesaan | Malaria | Pendidikan dasar | kekerasan terhadap anak perempuan | sanitasi dan kebersihan | Tenaga surya | Pengentasan kemiskinan | Penelitian ilmiah | Ketidaksamaan | Pertumbuhan Populasi | Mendaur ulang | emisi gas rumah kaca | samudera | Mikroorganisme | keadilan | ||
35 | Produsen makanan skala kecil | Kematian ibu | guru yang berkualitas | kekerasan terhadap perempuan | pengelolaan sanitasi | Energi Tenaga surya | Garis kemiskinan | Masyarakat | Pengiriman uang migran | Tempat umum | Mengurangi timbulan sampah | gas rumah kaca | Pengasaman samudera | Permakultur | keadilan untuk semua | ||
36 | Pertumbuhan terhambat | Campak | Pengungsi dan pembelajaran | perempuan | saluran pembuangan | kekuatan Tenaga surya | Pekerjaan produktif | Industrialisasi berkelanjutan | Migrasi | Transportasi umum | Pengurangan | hilangnya es | suhu samudera | tanaman | identitas hukum | ||
37 | Gangguan pertumbuhan | Medis | beasiswa | perempuan di tempat kerja | pengelolaan air yang berkelanjutan | Energi berkelanjutan | Produktifitas | Infrastruktur berkelanjutan | Pertumbuhan Populasi | tangguh | Terbarukan | ekonomi rendah karbon | Ilmu samudera | Perburuan liar | keamanan nasional | ||
38 | Makanan yang cukup | Kesehatan mental | sekolah | hak perempuan | Penarikan berkelanjutan | Layanan energi berkelanjutan | Kebijakan publik | Kemampuan teknologi | Kemiskinan | bangunan yang tangguh | Efisiensi sumber daya | bencana alam | samudera | kemiskinan | tanpa kekerasan | ||
39 | Berkelanjutan | Kematian | pendaftaran sekolah | kesetaraan di tempat kerja | Dunia ketiga | Kekuatan yang berkelanjutan | Pekerjaan berkualitas | Teknologi | Kebijakan Publik | efisiensi sumber daya | Rantai produksi yang bertanggung jawab | sistem alami | Penangkapan ikan berlebihan | fauna yang dilindungi | kejahatan terorganisir | ||
40 | Pertanian berkelanjutan | Tingkat kematian | Pendidikan menengah | Tolet | Kendaraan | Kualitas hidup | Perdagangan | Kualitas Hidup | kebutuhan sumber daya | Pengecer | pemanasan laut | Lautan yang produktif | flora yang dilindungi | Prinsip Paris | |||
41 | Produksi pangan berkelanjutan | Penyalahgunaan obat-obatan narkotika | pelatihan guru | Air limbah yang tidak diolah | ombak | Efisiensi sumber daya | Infrastruktur lintas batas | Ras | strategi pengurangan risiko | Industri retail | Perjanjian Paris | Kawasan yang dilindungi | spesies yang dilindungi | Kedamaian | |||
42 | Keberagaman perdagangan | Kematian bayi baru lahir | Pendidikan universal | Perkotaan | Angin | Pekerjaan yang aman | Transportasi | rasisme | Keamanan Jalan | Penggunaan kembali | Polusi | Rumput laut | Reboisasi | masyarakat yang damai | |||
43 | Pembatasan perdagangan | Polio | pelatihan kejuruan | limbah | kekuatan angin | Perbudakan | Rantai nilai | Mengurangi kesenjangan | Kota Aman | Berkelanjutan | terbarukan | laut | Tanah | Pelecehan fisik | |||
44 | Kurang gizi | Kematian dini | Rentan | limbah air | Turbin angin | kebijakan sosial | Rantai nilai dan pasar | Agama | pondok | Konsumsi berkelanjutan | Naiknya permukaan laut | Ekosistem berkelanjutan | degradasi tanah | Polisi | |||
45 | Menyia-nyiakan | kematian yang dapat dicegah | Hak Wanita | Pengolahan air limbah | hutan | Masyarakat | Infrastruktur air | pedesaan | daerah kumuh | Pengelolaan berkelanjutan | Suhu | Penangkapan ikan yang tidak diatur | spesies | Mencegah kekerasan | |||
46 | Dunia sedang kelaparan | mengurangi penyakit malaria | air | Pekerjaan yang stabil | Sumber air | seks | kota pintar | Praktik berkelanjutan | Pemanasan | Sumber daya air dan kebijakan | rencana strategis untuk keanekaragaman hayati | Pelecehan psikologis | |||||
47 | mengurangi angka kematian | akses air | Pekerjaan yang stabil | seksisme | Limbah padat | produksi berkelanjutan | Ekosistem darat | kebijakan publik | |||||||||
48 | Pengungsi dan Pelayanan Kesehatan | bencana air | Konsumsi berkelanjutan | Perlindungan sosial | pinggiran kota | Pengadaan publik yang berkelanjutan | Spesies yang terancam punah | kualitas hidup | |||||||||
49 | Kesehatan reproduksi | Ekosistem air | Pertumbuhan ekonomi yang berkelanjutan | Masyarakat | Berkelanjutan | Penggunaan sumber daya yang berkelanjutan | pohon | Pengambilan keputusan yang representatif | |||||||||
50 | Kecelakaan lalu lintas jalan raya | efisiensi air | Produksi berkelanjutan | negara-negara yang rentan | Bangunan berkelanjutan | Rantai pasokan yang berkelanjutan | spesies pohon | Aturan hukum | |||||||||
51 | Pelayanan kesehatan seksual dan reproduksi | pemanenan air | Pariwisata berkelanjutan | Perdagangan dunia | Kota yang berkelanjutan | Pariwisata berkelanjutan | lahan basah | Ancaman keamanan | |||||||||
52 | Kesehatan seksual | kualitas air | perdagangan | Komunitas yang berkelanjutan | Kendaraan | pelecehan seksual | |||||||||||
53 | Kontaminasi tanah | pengelolaan sumber daya air | Pengangguran | Urbanisasi berkelanjutan | Limbah | kekerasan seksual | |||||||||||
54 | Polusi tanah | kelangkaan air | Pekerjaan bergaji tinggi | Perencanaan kota | Konsumsi yang boros | aset yang dicuri | |||||||||||
55 | Pengendalian tembakau | persediaan air | Migran perempuan | Transportasi | air | Penghindaran pajak | |||||||||||
56 | Pengobatan penyalahgunaan zat | Ekosistem yang berhubungan dengan air | Kerja | Sistem Transportasi | polusi air | Pencurian | |||||||||||
57 | TBC | Efisiensi penggunaan air | Peluang kerja | Perkotaan | persediaan air | Penyiksaan | |||||||||||
58 | Kesehatan universal | Perdagangan dunia | Perkembangan Perkotaan | Perdagangan manusia | |||||||||||||
59 | Cakupan kesehatan universal | Lapangan kerja bagi kaum muda | Perencanaan Kota | Transparansi | |||||||||||||
60 | Vaksin | Pengangguran muda | Keberlanjutan perkotaan | Tahanan yang belum dijatuhi hukuman | |||||||||||||
61 | Vaksin di negera berkembang | urbanisasi | Masyarakat yang tidak stabil | ||||||||||||||
62 | Kekerasan | Limbah | Korban kekerasan | ||||||||||||||
63 | Sanitasi dan kebersihan air | Generasi limbah | kekerasan | ||||||||||||||
64 | Sanitasi dan kebersihan air untuk semua | pengelolaan limbah | kekerasan terhadap perempuan dan anak anak | ||||||||||||||
65 | Penyakit yang ditularkan melalui air | Air | tingkat kekerasan | ||||||||||||||
66 | kesejahteraan | Bencana yang berhubungan dengan air | penyitaan senjata | ||||||||||||||
67 | Organisasi Kesehatan Dunia |
Keywords Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
No. | SDG 1 (No poverty) | SDG 2 (Zero Hunger) | SDG3 (Good health and well-being) | SDG 4 (Quality education) | SDG 5 (Gender equality) | SDG 6 (Clean water and sanitation) | SDG 7 (Affordable and clean energy) | SDG 8 (Decent work and economic growth) | SDG 9 (Industry, innovation and infrastructure) | SDG 10 (Reduced inequalities) | SDG 11 (Sustainable cities and communities) | SDG 12 (Responsible consumption and production) | SDG 13 (Climate action) | SDG 14 (Life below water) | SDG 15 (Life on land) | SDG 16 (Peace, justice and strong institutions) | SDG 17 (Partnerships for the goals) |
1 | Developing countries | Agricultural Orientation index | Access to clean water and sanitation | Access to education | Basic living standards | Accessible water | Affordable energy | Aid for trade | Access to the internet | Affordable housing | Adaptable | Capitalism | Average global temperature | Artisanal fishers | Afforestation | Abuse | Capacity building |
2 | Basic services | Agricultural productivity | Affordable medicines | Basic education | Dignity | Affordable drinking water | Alternative energy | Banking | Affordable access | Age | Adaptation | Cars | Carbon | Biodiversity | Agriculture | Accountability | Civil society partnerships |
3 | Class | Agriculture | AIDS | Basic literacy | Disadvantaged | Aquifer | Animal waste | Child labour | Affordable credit | Ageism | Affordable housing | Circular economy | Carbon dioxide | Carbon dioxide | Animals | Accountable institutions | Communication technologies |
4 | Disadvantaged | Consume | Air contamination | Basic literacy skills | Discrimination | Cities | Battery | Child soldiers | Clean technologies | Business | Air pollution | Commercial enterprises | Changing weather patterns | Coastal biodiversity | Arable land | Arbitrary detention | Debt sustainability |
5 | Economic resources | Crop diversity | Air pollution | Cultural diversity | Employment | Clean water | Carbon | Creativity and innovation | Cooperation | Children | Air quality | Consumer levels | Climate | Coastal ecosystems | Bees | Arms | Development assistance |
6 | End poverty | Crops | Alcohol abuse | Disability | Empower girls | Contaminated | Charcoal | Culture | Data banks | Culture | Cities | Consumerism | Climate action | Coastal habitats | Biodiversity | Arms trafficking | Disaggregated data |
7 | Environment | Doha Development Round / Doha Round | Antenatal care | Disability and education | Empowerment | Defecation | Clean energy | Decent work | Economic development | Developing countries | Climate change | Consumption | Climate adaptation | Coastal parks | Biodiversity loss | Birth registration | Doha Development Agenda |
8 | Equality | End hunger | Antiretroviral | Early childhood | Empowerment of women / empower women / women's empowerment | Desalination | Clean energy technology | Decent work for all | Electrical power | Developing states | Community | Deep decarbonisation | Climate and gender | Coastal resources | Conservation | Bribery | Entrepreneurship |
9 | Extreme poverty | Environment | Antiretroviral therapy | Early childhood development | Equal access | Diarrheal diseases | Clean fuel technology | Development oriented policy | Energy | Development assistance | Cultural heritage | Ecological | Climate and infectious disease | Coastlines | Deforestation | Combat terrorism | Environmentally sound technologies |
10 | Financial inclusion | Food | Biomedical | Education | Equal opportunities | Drought | Clean fuels | Economic growth | Enterprises | Disabilities | Decentralisation | Efficient use of resources | Climate and politics | Conserve | Desertification | Conflict resolution | Foreign direct investments |
11 | Income | Food gap | Bodily autonomy | Education for sustainability | Equality | Dumping | Cleaner fossil fuel technology | Economic productivity | Environmentally sound technologies | Discrimination | Development planning | Energy | Climate change | Conserve oceans | Drought | Conflicts | Fostering innovation |
12 | Income equality | Food production | Child deaths | Education in developing | Exploitation | Ecosystem protection | Climate goal | Economy | Financial services | Discriminatory | Disaster management | Energy consumption | Climate change management | Coral bleaching | Drylands | Corruption | Free trade |
13 | Microfinance | Food reserves | Contraceptive use | Enrolment | Female genital mutilation | Ecosystem restoration | Coal | Enterprises | ICT infrastructure | Economy | Disaster risk reduction | Energy efficiency | Climate change planning | Coral reef | Ecosystem | Discrimination | Fundamental principles of official statistics |
14 | Non-discrimination | Food Security | Death rate | Equal access | Feminism | Equitable sanitation | Electricity | Entrepreneurship | Industrial diversification | Education | Disaster Strategy | Energy use | Climate change policy | Ecosystem management | Ecosystem restoration | Education | Global partnership |
15 | Poor | Genetic diversity | Dental | Equal education | Forced marriage | Floods | Electricity infrastructure | Forced labour | Industrialisation | Empower | Disasters | Food | Climate early warning | Fish species | Ecosystems | Enforced disappearance | Global partnership for sustainable development |
16 | Poor and vulnerable | Genetic diversity of seeds | Disability and family support | Equitable education | Gender | Fresh water | Emissions | GDP growth | Information and communication technology | Equal opportunity | Fine particulate matter | Food losses | Climate hazards | Fish stocks | Extinct | Equal access | Global stability |
17 | Poverty | Genetics | Disability and inclusion | Gender disparities in education | Gender discrimination | Hydropower | Energy | Global resource efficiency | Infrastructure | Equality | Green spaces | Food supply | Climate impact | Fish stocks AND FISHERIES MANAGEMENT | Extinct species | Equity | International aid |
18 | Poverty eradication | Hunger people | Disability and politics of location | Gender disparity | Gender equality/parity | Hygiene | Energy efficiency | Global trade | Innovation | Equity | Heritage | Food waste | Climate mitigation | Fisheries | Extinction | Exploitation | International cooperation |
19 | Poverty line | Hungry | Diseases | Gender equality | Governance and gender | Improving water | Energy infrastructure | Gross domestic product growth | Internet access | Ethnicity | Housing | Fossil fuel subsidies | Climate refugees | Fishers | Forest | Flow of arms | International population and housing census |
20 | Quality of Life | Improved nutrition | Family planning | Gender equity | Human rights | Inadequate water | Energy research | Human trafficking | Irrigation | Financial assistance | Human settlements | Future proof | Climate related hazards | Fishing | Forest management | Freedom | International support |
21 | Resources | Innovations and health | Health | Gender sensitive | Human trafficking | Inadequate water supply | Energy technology | Inclusive economic growth | Knowledge in education for all | Foreign aid | Impact of cities | Global food waste | Climate resilience | Fishing practices | Forests | Geography of poverty | International support for developing countries |
22 | Social protection systems / social protection | Legumes | Health in resource-constrained settings | Global citizenship | Humanitarian | Infrastructure | Fossil-fuel | Innovation | Mobile networks in developing countries | Foreign investment | Inadequate housing | Greenhouse gasses | CO2 capture | Global warming | Genetic resources | Governance | Knowledge sharing |
23 | Sustainable | Maize | Health worker density | Global education | Marginalised | Irrigation | Green economy | Insurance | National Security | Gender | Informal settlements | Harvest losses | CO2 conversion | Illegal fishing | Illegal wildlife products | Hate crime | Multi-stakeholder partnerships |
24 | Third World | Malnourished | Healthy | Inclusion and education | Parity | Lakes | Greenhouse gas | Job creation | Network infrastructure | Global financial markets | Infrastructure | Life cycle | COP 21 | Kelp | Illicit trafficking | Human rights | Poverty eradication |
25 | Vulnerable | Malnutrition | Healthy lives | Inclusive | Pay | Latrines | Greenhouse gas emissions | Jobs | Phone service | Health | Land | Market distortions | COP 22 | Law of the Sea | Indigenous | Human trafficking | Public-private partnerships |
26 | Wealth distribution | Nutrition | Hepatitis | Innovation | Reproductive rights | Open defecation | Hydroelectric | Labour market | Public policy | Homelessness | Land consumption | Materialism | Ecosystems | Marine | Indigenous populations | Illegal arms | Science cooperation agreements |
27 | Nutritional needs | HIV | International cooperation | Sexual and reproductive health | Pollution | Low carbon | Labour rights | Quality of life | Homophobia | local materials | Materials goods | Emissions | Marine areas | Invasive alien species | Illicit financial flows | Technology cooperation agreements | |
28 | Nutritious | Improving mortality | Learning opportunities | Sexual exploitation | Recycled water | Modern electricity | Micro finance | Regional infrastructure | Human rights | mitigation | Monitoring sustainable development | Extreme weather | Marine biodiversity | Land conservation | Inclusion | Technology transfer | |
29 | Poverty | Increasing life expectancy | Lifelong learning | Sexual violence | Reuse | Modern energy | Migrant workers | Research | Inclusion | Natural disasters | Natural resources | Extreme weather events | Marine ecosystems | Land loss | Inclusive institutions | Weighted tariff average | |
30 | Produce | Indigenous | Literacy | Social inclusion | River basins | Reliable energy | Modern slavery | Resilient infrastructure | Income growth | Natural heritage | Obsolescence | Global mean temperature | Marine fisheries | Land use and sustainability | Inclusive societies/society | Women entrepreneurs | |
31 | Productivity | Infected | Literacy skills | Trafficking | Rivers | Renewable | Poverty eradication | Resource use efficiency | Income inequality | Over crowding | Overconsumption | Global temperature | Marine Parks | Manage forests | Institutions | World Trade Organization | |
32 | Quality of life | International health policy | Numeracy | Universal health coverage | Safe drinking water | Renewable energy | Poverty line | Roads | Indigenous | Pollution | Production | Global warming | Marine pollution | Managed forests | Internally displaced | ||
33 | Resilient agriculture | International health regulations | Preprimary education | Violence | Sanitation | Renewable power | Productive employment | Sanitation | Inequalities | Population | Recycle | Greenhouse gas | Marine resources | Micro-organisms | Judiciary | ||
34 | Rural infrastructure | Malaria | Primary education | Violence against girls | Sanitation and hygiene | Solar | Productivity | Scientific research | Inequality | Population growth | Recycling | Greenhouse gas emissions | Ocean | Permaculture | Justice | ||
35 | Small-scale food producers | Maternal mortality | Qualified teachers | Violence against women | Sanitation management | Solar energy | Public policy | Society | Migrant remittance | Public spaces | Reduce waste generation | Greenhouse gases | Ocean acidification | Plants | Justice for all | ||
36 | Stunted growth | Measles | Refugees and learning | Women | Sewerage | Solar power | Quality jobs | Sustainable industrialisation | Migration | Public transport | Reduction | Ice loss | Ocean temperature | Poaching | Legal identity | ||
37 | Stunting | Medical | Scholarships | Women in work | Sustainable water management | Sustainable energy | Quality of life | Sustainable infrastructure | Population growth | Resilient | Renewable | Low-carbon economy | Oceanography | Poverty | National Security | ||
38 | Sufficient food | Mental health | School | Women's rights | Sustainable withdrawals | Sustainable energy services | Resource efficiency | Technological capabilities | Poverty | Resilient buildings | Resource efficiency | Natural disasters | Oceans | Protected fauna | Non-violence | ||
39 | Sustainable | Mortality | School enrolment | Workplace equality | Third world | Sustainable power | Safe work | Technology | Public policy | Resource efficiency | Responsible production chains | Natural systems | Overfishing | Protected flora | Organized crime | ||
40 | Sustainable agriculture | Mortality rate | Secondary education | Toilets | Vehicles | Secure work | Trade | Quality of life | Resource needs | Retail | Ocean warming | Productive oceans | Protected species | Paris principles | |||
41 | Sustainable food production | Narcotic drug abuse | Teacher training | Untreated wastewater | Wave | Slavery | Transborder infrastructure | Race | Risk reduction strategy | Retail industry | Paris Agreement | Protected areas | Reforestation | Peace | |||
42 | Trade diversity | Neonatal mortality | Universal education | Urban | Wind | Social policies | Transport | Racisim | Road safety | Reuse | Pollution | Sea grasses | Soil | Peaceful societies | |||
43 | Trade restrictions | Polio | Vocational training | Waste | Wind power | Society | Value chains | Reduce inequalities | Safe cities | Sustainable | Renewable | Seas | Soil degradation | Physical abuse | |||
44 | Under nourished / Undernourished | Premature mortality | Vulnerable | Wastewater | Wind turbine | Stable employment | Value chains and markets | Religion | Shanty | Sustainable consumption | Sea level rise / Rising sea / Rising sea level | Sustainable ecosystems | Species | Police | |||
45 | Wasting | Preventable deaths | Women's rights | Wastewater treatment | Wood | Stable jobs | Water infrastructure | Rural | Slums | Sustainable management | Temperature | Unregulated fishing | Strategic plan for biodiversity | Prevent violence | |||
46 | World’s hungry | Reducing malaria | Water | Sustainable consumption | Water resources | Sex | Smart cities | Sustainable practices | Warming | Water resources and policy | Terrestrial ecosystems | Psychological abuse | |||||
47 | Reducing mortality | Water access | Sustainable economic growth | Sexism | Solid waste | Sustainable production | Threatened species | Public policy | |||||||||
48 | Refugees and health services | Water disasters | Sustainable production | Social protection | Suburban | Sustainable public procurement | Tree | Quality of life | |||||||||
49 | Reproductive health | Water ecosystems | Sustainable tourism | Society | Sustainable | Sustainable resource use | Tree species | Representative decision-making | |||||||||
50 | Road traffic accidents | Water efficiency | Trade | Vulnerable nations | Sustainable building/s | Sustainable supply chain | Wetlands | Rule of law | |||||||||
51 | Sexual and reproductive health-care | Water harvesting | Unemployment | World trade | Sustainable cities/city | Sustainable tourism | Security threats | ||||||||||
52 | Sexual health | Water quality | Well-paid jobs | Sustainable communities | Vehicles | Sexual abuse | |||||||||||
53 | Soil contamination | Water resources management | Women migrants | Sustainable urbanisation | Waste | Sexual violence | |||||||||||
54 | Soil pollution | Water scarcity | Work | Town planning | Wasteful consumption | Stolen assets | |||||||||||
55 | Tobacco control | Water supply | Work opportunities | Transport | Water | Tax evasion | |||||||||||
56 | Treatment of substance abuse | Water-related ecosystems | World trade | Transport systems | Water pollution | Theft | |||||||||||
57 | Tuberculosis | Water-use efficiency | Youth employment | Urban | Water supply | Torture | |||||||||||
58 | Universal health | Youth unemployment | Urban development | Trafficking | |||||||||||||
59 | Universal health coverage | Equal pay | Urban planning | Transparency | |||||||||||||
60 | Vaccines | Finance | Urban sustainability | Un-sentenced detainees | |||||||||||||
61 | Vaccines in developing countries | Financial services | Urbanisation | Unstable societies | |||||||||||||
62 | Violence | Waste | Victims of violence | ||||||||||||||
63 | WASH | Waste generation | Violence | ||||||||||||||
64 | Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for All | Waste management | Violence against women and children | ||||||||||||||
65 | Water-borne disease wellbeing/well being/well-being | Water | Violence rates | ||||||||||||||
66 | World Health Organisation | Water-related disasters | Weapon seizures |