Graduation Ceremony for Period IV of the 2023/2024 Academic Year

Yogyakarta – Universitas Gadjah Mada is hosting its Period IV graduation ceremony for undergraduate and diploma programs. The event takes place over two days, from Wednesday, August 28, 2024, to Thursday, August 29, 2024, at the Ghra Sabha Pramana (GSP). This graduation period sees many students from various faculties and programs being conferred degrees, including the Basic Surveying and Mapping Technology (TSPD) program, which successfully graduated 12 students.

The atmosphere was filled with the euphoria of the TSPD graduates and their close family members who attended the ceremony at the GSP building. For families, especially parents, this moment was a significant source of pride, as it was a long-awaited occasion to see their children complete their higher education. The excitement didn’t end at the GSP building; the graduates were then directed to the Department of Earth Technology building.

The graduation farewell took place from 1:00 PM to 2:30 PM WIB in the GP Hall. The event was attended by the graduates along with their close relatives. This farewell ceremony serves as a recognition from the department to the graduates for successfully completing their studies. Additionally, it is a way for the faculty to show accountability to the graduates’ guardians or parents. Various farewell procedures were carried out, including the presentation of mementos from faculty and staff to the graduates. The message from the TSPD faculty and staff to the graduates was to continue to uphold the good name of their alma mater wherever they go.



Author: Zahra Aroma Indianka